JHipster (for Java Hipster) is an Open Source application generator, based on Yeoman. It is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular Web applications with tooling and configuration all set up for you.
Developers use JHipster to get their project started very quickly, with a full-stack application ready to run in production within a few minutes.
It can also create a microservice stack with support for Netflix OSS, Docker and Kubernetes (containers).
JHipster Microservice Architecture Overview
JHipster can generate classical, “monolithic” applications. Since JHipster 3.0, the generator can also provide a full microservice architecture. This architecture is a decoupling of the original “monolithic” application into three components: -
The JHipster Registry, which acts as a central service registry and configuration hub for the whole architecture
Microservices applications, which are small Spring Boot applications with no user interface.
Gateway applications, which handle the front-end AngularJS code, and act as routers and load-balancers in front of the microservices applications.
Here is a brief about building a microservice with Jhipster.
Building a microservice with JHipster: -
Steps -
Pre-requisites or Environment Setup
Development Process
Deployment Process
Jhipster Environment Setup -
Install Java 11 and above
Install Node.js
Install Jhipster using the following command
npm install -g generator-jhipster
Install Maven or Gradle depending on you. (optional step)
JHipster will automatically install the Maven Wrapper or the Gradle Wrapper for you.
2. Development Process: - Creating Microservice Application
Create an empty directory in which you will create your application.
Go to the newly created directory.
To auto-generate your JHipster application, type below command: -
jhipster in command prompt
Answer the questions asked by the generator to create an application tailored to your needs,
If everything goes fine, application is generated
you can launch it using Maven
(./mvnw on Linux/MacOS/Windows PowerShell, mvnw on Windows command prompt)
The application will be available on default http://localhost:8080
Default Jhipster Microservice applications are ready and run on browser, now you develop your application as per your requirements.
3. Deployment Process: -
Jhipster applications generate .jar files as an executable and this we deploy on any server like:- AWS ,Hostinger etc.
JHipster is a popular development platform and generator for building modern web applications and microservices architectures based on requirements. Jhipster has the capability to develop full stack applications (angular + spring boot). Jhipster has in-built functionality to generate entities (database table) using in-built tools.